Les meilleurs développeurs informatique freelances sont sur Codeur.com

Python & Javascript Developer

 Fermé·Moins de 500 €·4 offres·611 vues·4 interactions

Join our smart team of Python and JavaScript developers, and work on an amazing Open Source product. Develop things people care about.

You develop an Open Source Software and interact with the community
Great team of very smart people, in a friendly and open culture
Support of a real usability and testing team
Have the time to focus on quality, refactoring and testing (no customer deadlines)
No dumb managers, no stupid tools to use, no rigid working hours
No waste of time in enterprise processes, real responsibilities and autonomy
No solution architect, no business analysts, no Gantt chart

Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 19 février 2019 à 09h04

Profils recherchés : Développeur spécifique freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance, Développeur Node.js freelance, Développeur Python freelance

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