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Site Conseil financier

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·11 offres·1085 vues·24 interactions

We have a financial application currently under development. We need to accelerate this job to be over before end January.
The jobs has 2 sides : wordpress front page, that is almost over, and a dashboard that has been developed in React language.
We are looking for an experienced professional (10 years minimum) that could finish the dashboard with the current team help or not. This person must have very strong React langage's skills, a good sense of design and project management capabilities

We are developing a financial web application. Our clients must be able to subscribe life insurance contract and to manage it (or let us manage it)

Here the process to become client :

> Fill a form to subscribe a life insurance policy
(Classical questions name, etc.. financial, wealth questions..)
Form signup can be found here: [URL visible pour les membres Pro]

> Enter financial details (Bank account or Credit Card) for subscription fees at the end of the form : (using Zoho subscription and GoCardLess/stripe as the portals) (need to be developed)

> We have PDF files that have to be filled with form values and be downloaded and printed by the client (need to be developed)

> Member dashboard area with the investment portfolio : (need some fixes and dev)
Client can monitor and manage their portfolios by entering into dashboard section
can be found here : [URL visible pour les membres Pro]
Login: [E-mail visible pour les membres Pro]
Pass: [E-mail visible pour les membres Pro]
Select the portfolio ending by 553

Dashboard portfolio data come from 2 csv downloaded on the life insurance server twice a week, stocks prices and data are updated by using [URL visible pour les membres Pro] API

Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 16 décembre 2018 à 00h59

Profils recherchés : Développeur spécifique freelance, Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur WordPress freelance, Développeur front-end freelance, Développeur React freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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11 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

8 propositions de devis en moins de 2h


Montant moyen des devis proposés : 4 700 €

Estimation du délai : 20 jours

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