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Django and AWS Developer to build a file managemen

 Fermé·Moins de 500 €·1 offre·573 vues·2 interactions


Younes Alouani

Django and AWS Developer to build a file management system
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Ecommerce Development

Posted 19 minutes ago
I need a CRUD django app that allows registered users to directly upload files to amazon S3 from browser. The users must be able to download, edit and remove uploaded files.

Notes :
-The files will not be stored on the web app server. All the files will be sent directly to the amazon s3 bucket.

The features of the app :
1 - Multiple file selection + Drag and Drop
2 - CORS (cross-origin) support for post/get requests toward amazon s3
3 - Allows authentication using Signature Version 2 and Signature Version 4 (aws signature v4)
5 - Uploading Progress Bar
6 - Validators (Limit your users to a specific file type, size limit, number of files)
7 - Concurrent Chunking and uploading
8 - Template to edit / delete / download uploaded files

sources of underlying logic inspiration :
[URL visible pour les membres Pro]
[URL visible pour les membres Pro]
[URL visible pour les membres Pro]
[URL visible pour les membres Pro] [URL visible pour les membres Pro]

PS: I am a software developer by myself, so I will be able to help on every single part of the project(if needed) and give good insights into what I am looking for. I will be available almost at any moment of the day, so I hope we will have a good collaboration. Also, confidentiality is a must. The project will be integrated with other modules, therefore the design and responsiveness are not important.

Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 19 octobre 2018 à 21h42

Profils recherchés : Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance, Développeur Django freelance, Expert AWS freelance

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