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Looking for FRENCH to ENGLISH translators (fiction, romance)

 Terminé·500 € à 1 000 €·5 offres·938 vues·17 interactions

I am looking for English speaking natives capable of translating works of fiction/romance (10k to 20k words) from FRENCH to ENGLISH.

What I need absolutely:
- a native English speaker/translator
- someone able to translate intelligently works of true fiction, with sentences that won't translate well in English if taken literally

What I am okay with:
-someone new to translating, or with not much experience
-people with already work on their plate, as I can be flexible with deadlines

Unfortunately, I can only pay 150 USD for a 20k word piece. I know it is low, but I can leave time for you to organize yourself and do the translations (up to 6 weeks).

Sorry, no room for negotiation here, so please apply only of those two conditions are okay with you.

There will be just a short test of 100 words to translate to check the above points.

Looking foward to working with you !

Budget indicatif : 500 € à 1 000 €

Publication : 24 mai 2020 à 10h10

Profils recherchés : Traducteur freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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5 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

3 propositions de devis en moins de 2h

Montant moyen des devis proposés : 350 €

Estimation du délai : 12 jours

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Projet réalisé par Lara G.

Lara G.
Valdeblore, 06420

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