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Affichage de photos sur iOS phonegap

 Fermé·500 € à 1 000 €·2 offres·875 vues·2 interactions


We developed an hybrid app on phonegap (phonegap + reactjs). We need to display pictures from user phone on a iOS device with phonegap (we test with ios > 11). The plugin i use to get pictures is this one : cordova-plugin-photo-library. I can get the direct path to the picture (e.g: /var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0002.JPG), and special url with custom schemes that generates the thumbnail or give access to the picture (ex: cdvlibraryphoto://photoID=AFAAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAF).

Then we can use the url given by the library to display pictures on a <img>.

Everything works fine with android, but with iOS it's not possible to display pictures with the webview WKWebView because the webview can't display custom schemes as cdvlibraryphoto://. NB: i can't switch to UIWevView because of other bugs.

Also I found someone who may have resolved this, but we couldn't make it work : [URL visible pour les membres Pro]

Let me know if you can make it work and give me a quotation.

Thank you,


Dorian R.

Budget indicatif : 500 € à 1 000 €

Publication : 09 mai 2018 à 11h52

Profils recherchés : Développeur mobile freelance, Développeur Cordova freelance, Développeur React freelance

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