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automatically correct students writing exercices

 Fermé·500 € à 1 000 €·3 offres·863 vues·8 interactions

You will need to create a web based application that will compare two model docs with the student exercise.

The results will need to answer these questions:
1) did the student correct all errors (including typographic treatments such as italics)
2) which errors did the student did not correct
3) did the student add a correction not required. if so what was the correction that the candidate added.
4) timer feature: how long did the candidate take to do the test
5) the candidate will need to receive a grade...1 to 10.

You can use any text in any language to test your application. For the demo, I will ask the text to be in english.
Please find enclosed three model documents
1) Test pour harmonisation–ÉpreuveV2.docx (that is the version with errors that the student will need to correct
2) Test pour harmonisation–ÉpreuveV2 (Mathilde Vincens) (that is the version corrected by the student
3) Test pour harmonisation–Corrigé V2 (that is the corrected version)


Budget indicatif : 500 € à 1 000 €

Publication : 13 novembre 2017 à 10h02

Profils recherchés : Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur C++ freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance, Développeur full-stack freelance, Développeur Vue.JS freelance

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