Les meilleurs consultants SEM freelances sont sur Codeur.com

PPC campaigns

 Fermé·800 à 1 500 €·3 offres·1023 vues·1 interaction

Hello, we are a start up based in France, operating in luxury fashion. I am looking for a SEM specialist to manage our campaigns for an 8 months period of "test". We would like to test several countries, like US, Canada, Brazil, Europe (France, Germany, Uk), Russia and Japan, plus Hong-Kong, Singapor, Emirates, ect.. We will be able to provide all the translations needed. I cannot tell you the total budget for now as i would need an advise from you on this point, according to your experience and forecast. Please contact me if interested, i am looking for SEM specialist with at least 8 years of experience. Thanks and regards

Budget indicatif : 800 à 1 500 €

Publication : 17 avril 2016 à 22h35

Profils recherchés : Spécialiste SEM freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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