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Hello et bienvenue !
Je m'appelle Kévin, je suis développeur web et expert Shopify avec plus de 5 ans d'expérience sur la plateforme n°1 en e-commerce.
J'accompagne plusieurs marques dans le développement et la maintenance de leurs sites Shopify.
🚀 Mes services 🚀
Je propose des services de développement entièrement personnalisés pour votre boutique Shopify, toujours dans les dernières normes de la plateforme et qui seront adaptés à vos demandes.
Cela inclut :
✔ La création ou la refonte de votre thème Shopify en fonction d'une maquette fournie (format Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop ou Figma)
✔ La création de landing pages personnalisées
✔ Le changement de design de pages ou sections existantes
✔ La création d'un parcours d'achat en plusieurs étapes et de fonctionnalités complexes
✔ L'optimisation de l'administration de votre thème pour que vous puissiez avoir le contrôle sur ses paramètres
✔ L'optimisation de l'affichage mobile de vos pages
✔ L'optimisation de la performance globale de votre site
✔ La correction de bugs existants
🚀 Mes compétences techniques 🚀
✔ Liquid
✔ CSS3
✔ Javascript
Je maîtrise également le CMS Wordpress ainsi que les divers outils de création de maquettes.
🚀 Votre projet 🚀
Je vous propose de suivre votre projet web grâce à 10 étapes claires :
1 - Définition de vos besoins
2 - Rédaction d'un devis et d'un contrat de prestation
3 - Développement de votre projet
4 - Suivi du développement avec l'envoi par message de points d'avancement
5 - Validation de votre projet et test du résultat final
6 - Mise en ligne du site
7 - Livraison des accès nécessaires
8 - Etablissement d'une facture acquittée
9 - Support offert pour la prise en main de votre nouveau site
10 - Phase de maintenance et d'évolution de votre projet web à définir ensemble
Je vous garantis une communication claire et rapide pendant toute la durée de votre projet.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute question :)
After working with a number of e-commerce brands on the development of their custom Shopify theme and based on my years of experience in the Shopify ecosystem, I've noticed that one of the biggest challenges for a brand is to have a theme over which it has 100% control.
This allows them to be autonomous and to animate their site, particularly during promotional periods, without having to go through an external player.
However, most existing Shopify themes leave little room for customisation, and 'custom' themes are often very difficult to maintain and administer due to a lack of time to carry out the service.
Each modification requested by the customer therefore requires time, budget and delegation...
That's why, a few months ago, I decided to create the VERSATILE Shopify theme.
Versatile is a theme:
✔ Online Store 2.0
✔ 100% flexible
✔ 100% customisable
✔ 100% optimised for responsive, performance and SEO
🚀 An Online Store 2.0 theme:
Gone are the days when only the homepage was manageable, Versatile is up to date with the latest Shopify practices.
You'll be able to create templates (product pages, collections, landing pages, etc) directly from the theme editor. And add dynamic sections to each template without having to exit the editor.
🚀 A 100% modular theme:
Versatile comes with a multitude of different blocks to create the sections and pages you need.
Virtually every element you could possibly need is included, whether classic elements (collection lists, product lists, carousels, variant selector, language and currency selector, etc), or more specific elements (timelines, recently viewed products, nutritional tables, etc).
It's up to you to choose what you need!
🚀 A 100% customisable theme:
With Versatile, you have control over every aspect of your site. In just a few clicks and without having to touch the code.
Create the pages you want, and fill them with the sections of your choice, in the order you like.
Each section is then fully customisable:
- First of all, you can control the structure of your section. Section with 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, the choice is yours!
- Then you have control over the type of element you want to include in your section, the column in which it will appear, and its order. No more sections with a fixed design.
And finally, each block you add to your section is fully customisable!
Choose which elements of your block are displayed, their layouts, dimensions, alignments, fonts, text sizes, borders and colours.
🚀 100% optimised:
Versatile has been designed with performance in mind.
Each block / element is coded independently from the rest of the theme. CSS and JS resource files are split into small files and no element is duplicated.
In practical terms, this means that if you don't use a particular block or element, all the code linked to it is not loaded and therefore has no impact on the site's performance.
Everything that can be preloaded is, so you have the advantages of ultra-customisation, without the disadvantages.
With Versatile, you can manage your Shopify site from A to Z, in-house.
This will save you precious time in managing and developing it, because you'll be able to quickly implement tests and new ideas.
And you'll save money, because you won't need to go to an external player to modify your site.
Of course, I'll help you set up your new theme and provide support if you need it. As well as a collection of video tutorials so you can be 100% self-sufficient.
Contact me for a video presentation of the theme if you're interested.
Healtheen is a French brand co-created by influencer Sonia Tlev and sells healthy and indulgent slimming products, including meal bars, mueslis, shakes, teas, and aperitif snacks.
Along with the renewal of their product range, they needed a graphic redesign of their website which was already on Shopify.
I, therefore, carried out a redesign of the shop by customizing a new Shopify theme according to a set layout.
Tasks performed:
- Theme customization
- Product integration
- Setting up the Shopify store
Lovebox is a brand that sells "love boxes" that allow you to send personalized messages to your loved ones in a fun way.
In order to improve conversions and provide a better customer experience, they needed a redesign of the Product page of their site which was already in Shopify.
They also wanted to give customers the ability to customize their Lovebox.
So I redesigned the product page. And I also created a product customization flow from scratch. This allows the customer to be able to add options to their Lovebox such as changing the grip or model, adding an engraving, or different hearts.
Tasks completed :
- Redesign of the Product page
- Implementation of a complex personalization process for the Lovebox product
- Adjusting the Shopping Cart page accordingly
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