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Helping multiple clients build customer-centric experience platform:
Helping compagnies build a digital platform for all their multi-brand customer areas.

Technical Leader and Senior Cloud Engineer with more than 12 years of experience on helping compagnies on their digital transformations. I worked with accounts such as Axa, Publicis, Orange, Safran, BPN Paribas, Crédit Mutuel and Allianz.

I'm independent and self-motivated and able to develop innovative solutions with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. I'm an experienced Java & Spring Ecosystem developer proficient in developing applications across platforms and industries. With a Master's in computer science for business administration, I can lead and motivate a team to develop complex technical solutions.

Indices d'activité

sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen120
Dernière connexion 1 an
Membre depuisJan. 2018
Profil vu883 fois


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