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I’ve more than 6 years in the Apps development industry.
I have developed many mobile applications in different context, professional and personal.

I have worked in many domains of technology such as:
- Smartphone and tablets app development
- GPS, SQLite, Camera, Media
- Social network integration (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc)
- Push notification, Local notification,
- Web service integration (SOAP, REST, JSON, XML, XMLRPC), RSS, RestKit, AFNetworking, etc - Parse Cloud Database
- CoreAudio ,CoreAnimation, Audio/Video streaming
- Bluetooth LE, iBeacon
- InAppPurchase, Paypal, E-commerce implementation.
- Image processing, face detection, OpenCV, Augment Reality.
- Bar code, QR code, ZBar reader and generator.
- iAD, RevMob, Google AdMob,
- Git, SVN, TestFlight, JIRA
- Publishing apps to App Store (private and public).

I collaborate with a designer who has many years of experience in logo, 3D modeling and graphical design and is a several years experienced as web developer.

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen30
Dernière connexion 6 ans
Membre depuisSept. 2016
Profil vu3 385 fois


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