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👨💻 En quelques mots : Je suis un content manager français et américain avec plus de 5 ans d'expérience en startups / grands groupes dans des hubs tech internationaux (San Francisco, Berlin, Paris, Barcelone). J'aide des marques innovantes et ayant un impact social positif à générer de l'engagement / atteindre leurs objectifs marketing via des campagnes de communication multicanales.
👉 Ce que je peux faire pour vous 🎒:
- Gestion des réseaux sociaux (Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Linkedin...).
- Gestion des calendriers éditoriaux, création des posts / vidéos / contenu rédactionnel
- Stratégie social media et multicanale selon l'objectif marketing
- Campagnes Paid Search, Paid Social, Online Display, Emailing
- Optimisation SEO
- Etudes de marché
- Benchmarks, reportings
- Création de supports marketing
- Renforcement de l'identité de marque
- Localisation de contenu
Managing the organic & paid growth for the Creditiz (FR) and Prestalo (SPAIN) brands (current results: from 2k to 13k organic traffic, lower CPA, higher ROI):
• Building the marketing team (currently supervising a Community Manager and external copywriters) and managing marketing budget / objectives (OKR).
• Implementing the content creation plan (social media content creation on Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Facebook) and branding initiatives (ongoing brand identity revamp, PR operations etc). Coordination with creative agencies. Weekly / monthly reporting on KPIs.
• Optimizing SEO ranking & increasing organic traffic (new website launch, SEO optimizations, UX features, content writing > blog articles / landing pages).
• Managing emailing campaigns & automations (KR: +150% in revenue).
• Growing paid marketing channels to scale on the French market (Google, Instagram, Facebook & Linkedin Ads, affiliation partnerships).
• Sharing best practices with international teams (Middle-East etc) on successful scaling initiatives in marketing.
• Collaborating with the Spanish Product & IT teams in Prestalo to increase synergies
• Acted as a Consultant for Marketing Managers from French / Swiss SMBs & marketing agencies to help them optimize their content strategy using Google campaigns (Google Ads etc). Average budget: 30k / month. Presented success stories at an internal pitching competition and reached the final round.
• Helped them to adapt the brand message based on emerging user needs, trends, competitive analysis, KPI reporting and AB test results. Most common KPI used: CPL, CPA, ROI, ROAS.
• Implemented & managed Google Ads campaigns to drive engagement, position the brand and increase sales. Industries: e-commerce, hospitality & travel, healthcare, entertainment, NGOs, education.
• Managed marketing campaigns for [URL MASQUÉE] social media content, emailing, paid ads (search, social, display). Budget: 35k /month.
• Worked cross-functionally with PR, SEO & Social Media teams.
• Made reportings on KPIs (reach, engagement, ROI etc).
• Ran AB tests to optimize content & website traffic.
Google Adwords competition winner – 100% en anglais. 23 nationalités (sur 25 personnes).
Sujets : multichannel strategy, affiliate marketing, online display, social media, web analytics
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