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Finalization of WordPress website redesign project with Beaver Builder

 Fermé·Moins de 500 €·13 offres·872 vues·16 interactions


I'm looking for someone to take in charge the finalization of a small WordPress redesign project with Beaver Builder.

> 4 pages (Home - Collection - Product page - Quote pages) >> Grahic design is already done
> Woo commerce shop interface >> The interface is already done but there is still work to be done (One page ordering process…)
> Paypal payment solution
> Multilingual plugin (French, English, Spanish) >> Multilingual interface is already done
> Installation of Facebook Pixel, Google Tag Manager and the necessary SEO tools,

The work to do is the folowing :

- Finalization of small details of the design
- Pluging Installation to manage media files and pages files
- Optimization of the created pages >> The objective is to finish first all the pages properly wich I need to traduce.
>> Use all the good technical SEO practices: optimization of the size and weight of images (normaly already done), compressed JavaSript and CSS files ...)
>> The whole pages must be very light with a very good time loaded. This is one of the first goal of this redesign project so it’s very important.
>> The whole page must be 100% compatible with mobiles.
>> > Installation of Facebook Pixel, Google Tag Manager and the necessary SEO tools,

Waiting your feedback,
Have a nice day!


Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 19 octobre 2020 à 12h44

Profils recherchés : Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur WordPress freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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13 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

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Montant moyen des devis proposés : 250 €

Estimation du délai : 6 jours

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