Accédez au profil complet de Chemseddine M.
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I am a Senior Data Scientist with a rich experience of 10 years working on : NLP, computer vision, time series, quantum systems.
My career has spanned diverse sectors including : research labs, digital startups and prominent players in the automotive industry.
I thrive on crafting numerical tools to elevate expert analysis and decision-making to new heights.
- Built and trained A.I. for consultants career prediction
- Supervised three cross-functional project teams to build a Data Science/DevOps platform
- Conducted daily meetings and follow-ups with project teams, managers and partners facilitating collaboration and communication between teams
- Managed project deliverables
- Administrated devops cloud platform: debugging python codes, Openstack platform, Jenkins pipeline
- Wrote R&D progress reports generating 160K€ research tax credit
- Built and trained Siamese CNN for one-shot learning and detection of heaters and plumbing materials
- Containerized and deployed TF models on AWS and Clevercloud
- Developed Flask-based API to enable easy access to AI solutions
- Implemented a NLP A.I. POC for plumbing malfunction classification and diagnosis
- Implemented an A.I. POC for client requests prediction
- Built key business metrics Dashboards for management/support and finance teams
- Implemented end-to-end codes to extract structured information from unstructured CVs, including parsing, tokenization, named entity recognition (NER), and entity linking, enabling automated processing of CVs
- Developed algorithms to parse and extract relevant text sections from CV documents, (personal information, education history, work experience, skills, certifications) using regular expressions and rule-based parsing and Q&A Transformers models
- Implemented an API to integrate the information extraction system with HR management system
Development of a multi-scale approach to study bio-polymers (Ph.D. Thesis)
- Optimized/ Simulated quantum/classical models of alginate biopolymers in collaboration with experts experimentalists team
- Automated input creation and output analysis (Fortran/ bash)
- Analyzed geometrical properties, electric charges, and molecular orbitals composition
- Refactored and implemented Monte Carlo modules for conformational study (ptyhon / Fortran)
- Mentored two Master's trainees
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