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Currently a last year student at the higher school of computer science in Algiers (ESI ex INI ) .I'm interested in computer engineering especially in building information systems ,passionate by new technologies and software development ,
I always appreciate working with others and I'm motivated ,patient and assiduous . In 2015, I participated in a UNICEF project sponsored by the lnnovationLab incubator at school ; A software for handling graphic objects (3D and 2D) for children and then in 2016 I did another internship in a hydroelectric and electro-mechanical drilling company where I was delegated a task to cover the recruitment process of The HR function . In the same year I participated in the programming of a monitoring platform for water purification stations at the national office of Algerian sanitation,

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen20
Dernière connexion 6 ans
Membre depuisJan. 2018
Profil vu447 fois


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