Les meilleurs développeurs Prestashop freelances sont sur Codeur.com

Bitly expert developer for web app

 Fermé·500 € à 1 000 €·3 offres·486 vues·12 interactions


I 'm looking for a freelance that experinces bitly API.
to develop functionnality associated to existing prestashop website

Objective: create functions to include in a app or in my website to offer Gift when user share a url product:
- create new link on a product for each user that connect to the app and want to share a product to get a gift
- add tagg on the link generated for eah user
- display a graphic whith number of opening url for each user30 (for last 30 days)
- method to call a function when number of opening url is reached (my apps or website will generate a mail for each user when number of opened like is reached.. Each user will have his own link to share)



Budget indicatif : 500 € à 1 000 €

Publication : 21 juin 2019 à 13h34

Profils recherchés : Développeur Prestashop freelance, Développeur PHP freelance, Développeur front-end freelance, Intégrateur HTML freelance

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