Les meilleurs développeurs Joomla! freelances sont sur Codeur.com

Correction bug joomla 1.7.0

 Terminé·30 à 300 €·2 offres·885 vues


Nous travaillions depuis plusieurs mois sur le projet d'un client.
Depuis 2 semaines nous rencontrons un problème lorsque nous devons avoir un affichage en vue liste ou blog d'un lien.
En mode debugage voici le résultat ;
Partie rouge :
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1104 - The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT c.*,CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as slug,COUNT(i.`id`) AS numitems FROM io05a_categories as c LEFT JOIN io05a_categories AS s ON (s.lft <= c.lft AND s.rgt >= c.rgt) OR (s.lft > c.lft AND s.rgt < c.rgt) LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM io05a_categories AS cat JOIN io05a_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt WHERE parent.extension = 'com_content' AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id LEFT JOIN `io05a_content` AS i ON i.`catid` = c.id AND i.state = 1 WHERE (c.extension='com_content' OR c.extension='system') AND c.access IN (1,1) AND c.published = 1 AND s.id=7 AND badcats.id is null GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.lft

Partie basse :
JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1104 - The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT c.*,CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(c.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", c.id, c.alias) ELSE c.id END as slug,COUNT(i.`id`) AS numitems FROM io05a_categories as c LEFT JOIN io05a_categories AS s ON (s.lft <= c.lft AND s.rgt >= c.rgt) OR (s.lft > c.lft AND s.rgt < c.rgt) LEFT JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM io05a_categories AS cat JOIN io05a_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt WHERE parent.extension = 'com_content' AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id LEFT JOIN `io05a_content` AS i ON i.`catid` = c.id AND i.state = 1 WHERE (c.extension='com_content' OR c.extension='system') AND c.access IN (1,1) AND c.published = 1 AND s.id=7 AND badcats.id is null GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.lft

Le problème est urgent à résoudre, nous sommes ouvert à toute proposition.

Budget indicatif : 30 à 300 €

Publication : 26 décembre 2011 à 14h43

Profils recherchés : Développeur Joomla freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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