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Developer needed for creating an Outlook Add-in

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·9 offres·846 vues·9 interactions

Getcollective is a meeting management application (app.getcollective.com)
Users can build a meeting agenda, take notes during the meeting, keep track on the time, and share instantly meeting minutes at the end of the meeting.

We are looking for a freelance developper to build an Outlook Add-in so that when our users plan a meeting with the new meeting form on Outlook, the can:
- duplicate the meeting in Getcollective
- in the Outlook meeting details, add a link to the duplicated meeting on Getcollective

The Add-in should work for both users with Outlook 365 (Azur) and installed versions of Outlook (Exchange)

The developper MUST have experience building Office Add-ins.
Ideally we would need the Add-in before end of August.
We have a confortable budget and will match proposed daily/hourly rate

Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 17 août 2020 à 16h53

Profils recherchés : Développeur API freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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