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Hi there ! Looking for a native French speaker with an English academic degree an experience related to customer service, technical support and account management ?

Need someone specialized in human translation, unique content writing, transcription, editing and proofreading with great attention to details ?

Well, I lived in Canada for 5 years and France for 3 years, with a proven track record, I could be the ideal candidate who can deliver :

• Faithful translation to the source text
• Original articles
• Meticulous proofing
• Customer service, technical support and customers onboarding

I have always exceeded my clients' expectations. Thus, I look forward to working with you on a long-term to do the same.

Indices d'activité

sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen9
Dernière connexion 4 ans
Membre depuisAoût 2017
Profil vu329 fois


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