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Creation for mobile app

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·15 offres·466 vues·24 interactions

We ARE working on an app creation. WE need to make an app in the food theme. At first time we just want to make food list for people who want to go shopping.

For that we are looking for two kind of deal
-app developement in Cross development or in android (native) development. The company could be in France or outside France. We are also interested by Algeria, Burma or India.

-we could also think about a deal with the developer who could buy shares in the company.

We look forward hearing from you.

To give you an idea, we first develop an service of course on line for education field. Today this business is going well, we want to attack new markets.

Best regards
Moustapha Houndjo
Serial entrepreneur.

Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 23 octobre 2018 à 19h00

Profils recherchés : Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur mobile freelance, Développeur Android freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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15 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

10 propositions de devis en moins de 2h


Montant moyen des devis proposés : 2 750 €

Estimation du délai : 12 jours

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