Les meilleurs développeurs Java freelances sont sur Codeur.com

Quick B2B POC - possible long term software build

 Fermé·5 000 à 20 000 €·6 offres·993 vues


we are a small B2B software startup. We have designed our product and are now looking for an experienced developer to :

- build a light demo (probably 10 to 15 days work) : implement a few screens to show to our potential customers and help us validate our concept ; this is urgent

- and potentially contribute to a much larger project of building the commercial software and help us make the right technological choices

Ideally we need someone who is looking for a potential long term commitment to help our startup and bring development and software engineering expertise.

Experience and technologies required :

Must have:
Back-end (Java) and and front-end web solutions development (we want to build a web client user experience to allow either on-premise or a SaaS solution.)
Integration with other software, especially ERP systems and/or Identity and Access Management solutions.
Experience with IaaS, PaaS or cloud-type solutions, for example AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Force.com, SAP HEC or HCP or others...

Experience with SAP integration
Access Rights Management
Audit / Control / Risk Governance software solutions

If you are interested and think you can bring your expertise, please contact me. We are based in Lyon and would prefer to meet you in person.

Budget indicatif : 5 000 à 20 000 €

Publication : 27 novembre 2015 à 11h06

Profils recherchés : Développeur Java freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance, Expert BDD freelance, Spécialiste ERP freelance, Consultant SaaS freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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6 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

4 propositions de devis en moins de 2h

Montant moyen des devis proposés : 5 000 €

Estimation du délai : 20 jours

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