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Connecteur GMail API en Python sur GoogleAppEngine

 Fermé·300 à 800 €·3 offres·685 vues

We are looking for a python backend developper to build a Gmail API connector on Google App Engine platform

You can consider that:
- the users are Gmail or Google Apps users
- you have all the authorizations to check their mailbox (oAuth 2.0)

- Each x minutes, your batch reads the entity "Users to be checked" in the Datastore, looking for the all the users who have a timestamp inferior to now
- For each selected user, your batch launches via task queue / deferred the following treatment:
-- Check in the entity "Users" if there is a value in the key "gmail-historyId"
-- If not, it means it is the first check, so the program has to perform a full synchronization (retrieve all the mails until now)
-- if yes, just perform a partial synchronization (retrieve the mails between the last check and now)
The following link expresses in detail how to achieve these operations: GMail API - [URL visible pour les membres Pro]
-- For each retrieving email (FULL format)
--- store it in the datastore, via a task queue: message-id is the "id", the returned json is stored in the key "data"
(of course, if the mail was previously added, the new try is properly managed: no error, no duplicate)

Thanks to deliver the code and a demo on Google App Engine.

Budget indicatif : 300 à 800 €

Publication : 20 avril 2015 à 22h59

Profils recherchés : Développeur spécifique freelance, Développeur Python freelance

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