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Extension Chrome pour linkedin

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·27 offres·1379 vues·39 interactions

What we want :

A google chrome extension, available in the extensions store, that can scrap a linkedin profile to put it in the stafiz database.

This extension will be named Stafiz and have the stafiz logo.

After installing it and clicking on it, the user will see a pop up.
This pop up will check if the user is connected to Stafiz.net.

If he is not connected, a button spelling "Log in" will appear. When clicking on this button, a new tab is opened in Chrome, and the stafiz.net/login page is displayed.

When connected, and when on a LinkedIn profile, a button called "Download profile" to Stafiz will appear.
When clicking on this button, a new tab is opened in chrome, and goes to a stafiz.net page. This page is a big form that has many inputs (see below) corresponding to the LinkedIn profile info. And the inputs are prefilled thanks to the linkedin API.
For instance on top of the form we have two inputs called "First name" and "Last name", and they shall be filled in with the first and last names of the originating profile. We'll also want the experiences and the skills. This page can be developed by our team, but you'll need to prefill it with the LinkedIn API.

After this, the user can review the form, make changes, and save the profile to Stafiz (this part is out of scope for you, it's just to inform you about the end of the process).

Fields (all those fields are text inputs)
First name
Last name
Schools (for each "school" line in LinkedIn), a new school input is created on the stafiz form)
Experiences (same as school)
Skills (same as school)

The source code shall be given at the end of the project.

Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 18 janvier 2024 à 12h26

Profils recherchés : Développeur spécifique freelance, Développeur JavaScript freelance, Développeur API freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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27 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

25 propositions de devis en moins de 2h


Montant moyen des devis proposés : 3 050 €

Estimation du délai : 16 jours

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