Les meilleurs développeurs e-commerce freelances sont sur Codeur.com

Social Ads / SEM pour nouvelle marque E-commerce mode.

 Fermé·Moins de 500 €·9 offres·633 vues·15 interactions

Pros :
Product is good value and affordable.
Branding is decent.
Professional Product Photograpy
We have been running some ads already.
Business Manager is set.
Pixel is installed.
We've done influencer marketing, images can be used.
Product pictures are good. Design of the site is good.
Our graphic team can create great graphics and video.
We have fast and marketing support for our woocommerce website.

Cons :
Brand is brand new.
Selling only on official website.
Low Brand awareness and budget

Objective: Sales
Budget : 25€ / day approx
Target Audience : Women 18/35 France only.

Please keep in mind in your that we will be designing the ads creative which should have an impact on your offer.

I would appreciate that you give me an estimate as in Price / time / reasonable expectations on results for this campaign.

Ideally we are looking for a long term partner for this project.


Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 14 mai 2021 à 11h11

Profils recherchés : Développeur e-commerce freelance, Consultant marketing freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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