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Web data crawling plateform in Real Estate

 Fermé·Plus de 10 000 €·20 offres·1087 vues·28 interactions

Dear Coders,

We are a worlwide real estate company based in France and we are looking to develop a new internal tool :

a big-data search engine
that automatically discovers and organises listings directly from agencies

The concept is the following:

1. Crawl multiple datas from hundred of websites
2. Create a database with these datas
3. Setp up daily automatic crawling scenarios to update the database
4. Monitoring the exportations datas and identify potential error
5. Create a simple dashboard with displays datas, User account, notifications, alerts, historic,
6. Create an advanced search toolbar with (location, category, type, price, sqm, bedroom, URL link of properties, pictures, title, description, etc.)

Our goals are to:

A. crawl 500 hundred identified real estate agencies websites
B. each website has is own architecture of informations but 50% of them come from similar CRM softwares

We need to find a IT Dev team:
- with similar experiences and activ portfolio
- availabilty of 1 lead manager to communicate with my marketing/ IT team
- strong skills in the field of crawling

What do we expect:
a clear methodology and planning project
a clear quote of the project (MVP, design, dev, database, automatic crawl, set up, etc)
be able to respect the delay (3 months maximum).

If you are interested by this project, please write me.


A. H. Taravel
Senior Project Manager
Team West Europe - REMT

Budget indicatif : Plus de 10 000 €

Publication : 11 décembre 2018 à 15h16

Profils recherchés : Intégrateur web freelance, Développeur PHP freelance, Graphiste spécialisé dans la mise en page freelance, Développeur React freelance, Développeur Angular freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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20 freelances ont répondu à ce projet

13 propositions de devis en moins de 2h


Montant moyen des devis proposés : 4 850 €

Estimation du délai : 18 jours

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