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Plotting Vessels on a live Globe

 Fermé·Moins de 500 €·1 offre·502 vues·7 interactions


Mockup initial
[URL visible pour les membres Pro]

Shipyard counting many vessel owners , who already like to meet other owners around the world.
They want to propose a visual / map view of the owners and their current position.
Eventually able them to contact each others, get info.

Create a Proof of concept for displaying vessel position on a map, filter them, search them.

3D planisphere (globe) plotting the current vessels, positions to be updated once a day or more, to start once a day is fine.
(Could be simply set as calling script, and then deciding with cronjob).
The key is to have something appealing visually, wether on 2 or 3D. Owners must get the wow effect Chen testing their ship and friends.
On 3D

Proposed in order of preference :
1/ [URL visible pour les membres Pro] /// [URL visible pour les membres Pro]
2/ [URL visible pour les membres Pro]
3/ [URL visible pour les membres Pro]

Any alternative 3d globe rendering is appreciated (open source / free or budget price)

It will be used as demonstration on big TVs during events or used by members on web used.

On standard display jump (slowly) from one vessel to he other (based on position or something to be easily calculated) , stop on it display information for a few seconds, close, and go to next vessel, indefinitely. Some on ship, dezoom to globe, the zoom again, nd so on.
When Manyally looking at anything should start over after of few seconds of inactivity from the latest details ship.

DETAILED VIEW, user cas zoom on map (will freeze rotation), navigate anywhere on map.
When clicking on any plot grab detail view.
Data to display depending I you are club user or not (Members only info)

MMSI (international identification number for vessels) is required.

For admin : Searching, Adding, filtering, removing vessels (deactivating or deleting)
Bulk updating : Csv import for multiple vessels

For users : Subscribing and proposing vessel
Editing vessel info (will override AIS info, appart from position, speed and direction).

Grab position, speed and all possible info from API source
Proposed : [URL visible pour les membres Pro]
(Any better AIS API source can be proposed)

Working vision of positioning vessels for 20th Dec. 2020

Minimum requirement for 20th December:
Display vessels (even if direct from database and no backend)
Search and filter, desktop mode.

Further phases can be set later.

Please price for
- 20 dec. minimal requirement
- Full project.

Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 13 décembre 2020 à 19h14

Profils recherchés : Développeur JavaScript freelance, Développeur API freelance

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