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Blockchain developer or web2 in transition tobe a blockchain Developer

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·10 offres·428 vues·20 interactions

Blockchain developer or web 2 experts in transition to become a blockchain developer:

PS: Please do not apply if you do not fit the requirements because you will have to provide for example how you will use for example Terra (or Polkadot/Kusama or Polygon or..) -Native primitives, Validators or infrastructure requirements to do my project....and until grant financing is unlocked you won't receive any payment...so do not waste your time and mine.

- firstly specify the blockchain network you have expertise with or you are learning
- specify in case you already have the expertise, piece of blockchain you have and that you are ready to share.

Tasklist once I pick a candidate and required for the grant submission

- overview of the technology stack to be used
- technical plan and you will use blockchain primitive for the project
- help to improve user experience and workflow
- help to improve data models / API specifications of the core functionality
- core components, protocols, architecture Use open-source elements or hopefully your already existing piece of tech to create a POC/MVP

Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 30 avril 2022 à 15h14

Profils recherchés : Développeur blockchain freelance, Développeur API freelance

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