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Engineering software developer at Airbus Bizlab

 Fermé·1 000 € à 10 000 €·3 offres·817 vues·2 interactions

Les ingénieurs du Soleil
Les Ingénieurs du Soleil is an Airbus becoming spin-off that has recently joined the Airbus Bizlab incubator, and which proposes innovative solutions for solar shading of office buildings. Looking for pragmatic and low-cost solutions for reducing our energetic footprint on the environment, this spin-off aims at partnering with industries of the office building sector to develop his products.

Description of the job
Les Ingénieurs du Soleil is looking for a software developer.
In a start-up environment, you are in charge of the full development of a suite of professional engineering tools, in relation to solar shading and energy saving calculations, from early definition to delivery of validated software, first internally, and eventually operationally for customers.

Required Skills
Keen to work in the start-up environment, starting from a blank page, low-constraints, high autonomy toward the goal, “out-of-the-box” and “do-it-yourself” spirit.
Knowledge of matlab / Scilab, and good mastering of 3D geometry.
Software development skills, including specification, architecture, coding, validation.
Interest for innovation and sustainable environment solutions, in particular energy issues.

2 months


Budget indicatif : 1 000 € à 10 000 €

Publication : 08 novembre 2017 à 10h09

Profils recherchés : Expert Matlab freelance

Le profil du client est reservé aux prestataires abonnés

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