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Expert for over 12 years in human resources and more especially recruitment.

I approached recruitment as a complete process: conducting individual and group interviews, working simultaneously on different profiles at different levels of complexity.
Interviews with candidates in French or in English

I master the social media for recruiting and the Boolean search techniques.

I have experience working with various Applicants Tracking Systems (Taleo, Admen and others company specific ATS.)

Recruited profiles : technical, production, support functions and Freelancers

Level of the candidates’ experiences : entry level and senior profiles

Professional environment : start-up companies, recruitment agencies, job boards,head-hunting agencies, and international groups

Recruitment problems :
I dealt with a high volume of candidates for various positions (engineers,IT, sales...)
I solved a location problem for a company that was far from the urban center.
I dealt with a high and experts profiles

I offered innovative solutions for sourcing candidates and I was able to implement a new application management tool

I've always connected the recruitment of new technologies and I have had the opportunity to regularly bring my advice to companies that create additional tools for recruitment (matching tools, geolocation)

Feel free to contact me for any details.
I would be delighted to participate in your project.

Best regards

Indices d'activité

sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen0
Dernière connexion 9 ans
Membre depuisSept. 2013
Profil vu694 fois


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