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Bug Magento 2 Asymmetric transaction rollback error et SQLSTATE[HY000]

 Terminé·Moins de 500 €·7 offres·853 vues·13 interactions

Bonjour je recherche un freelance pour deux bugs sur du Magento 2.Bug Asymmetric transaction rollback error apres une activation d'un produit, et bug au niveau du paiement There has been an error processing your request
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1114 The table 'catalog_product_index_price_cfg_opt_agr_tmp' is full, query was: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_index_price_cfg_opt_agr_tmp` SELECT `sub`.`parent_id`, `sub`.`entity_id`, `sub`.`customer_group_id`, `sub`.`website_id`, `sub`.`price`, `sub`.`tier_price` FROM (SELECT `e`.`entity_id`, `cg`.`customer_group_id`, `cw`.`website_id`, IF(IFNULL(tas_tax_class_id.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_tax_class_id.value, tad_tax_class_id.value) AS `tax_class_id`, IFNULL((ta_price.value), 0) AS `orig_price`, IFNULL((IF(IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value)) <= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value)) >= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND ta_special_price.value < ta_price.value, ta_special_price.value, ta_price.value)), 0) AS `price`, IFNULL((IF(IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value)) <= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value)) >= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND ta_special_price.value < ta_price.value, ta_special_price.value, ta_price.value)), 0) AS `min_price`, IFNULL((IF(IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_from_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_from_date.value, tad_special_from_date.value)) <= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND IF(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value) IS NULL, 1, IF(DATE(IF(IFNULL(tas_special_to_date.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_special_to_date.value, tad_special_to_date.value)) >= DATE(cwd.website_date), 1, 0)) > 0 AND ta_special_price.value < ta_price.value, ta_special_price.value, ta_price.value)), 0) AS `max_price`, tp.min_price AS `tier_price`, tp.min_price AS `base_tier`, `le`.`entity_id` AS `parent_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e`
CROSS JOIN `customer_group` AS `cg`
CROSS JOIN `store_website` AS `cw`
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_website` AS `cwd` ON cw.website_id = cwd.website_id
INNER JOIN `store_group` AS `csg` ON csg.website_id = cw.website_id AND cw.default_group_id = csg.group_id
INNER JOIN `store` AS `cs` ON csg.default_store_id = cs.store_id AND cs.store_id != 0
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_website` AS `pw` ON pw.product_id = e.entity_id AND pw.website_id = cw.website_id
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_index_tier_price` AS `tp` ON tp.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tp.website_id = cw.website_id AND tp.customer_group_id = cg.customer_group_id
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tad_status` ON tad_status.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tad_status.attribute_id = 97 AND tad_status.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tas_status` ON tas_status.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tas_status.attribute_id = 97 AND tas_status.store_id = cs.store_id
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tad_tax_class_id` ON tad_tax_class_id.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tad_tax_class_id.attribute_id = 133 AND tad_tax_class_id.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tas_tax_class_id` ON tas_tax_class_id.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tas_tax_class_id.attribute_id = 133 AND tas_tax_class_id.store_id = cs.store_id
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_decimal` AS `ta_price` ON ta_price.entity_id = e.entity_id AND ta_price.attribute_id = 77 AND ta_price.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_decimal` AS `ta_special_price` ON ta_special_price.entity_id = e.entity_id AND ta_special_price.attribute_id = 78 AND ta_special_price.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `tad_special_from_date` ON tad_special_from_date.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tad_special_from_date.attribute_id = 79 AND tad_special_from_date.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `tas_special_from_date` ON tas_special_from_date.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tas_special_from_date.attribute_id = 79 AND tas_special_from_date.store_id = cs.store_id
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `tad_special_to_date` ON tad_special_to_date.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tad_special_to_date.attribute_id = 80 AND tad_special_to_date.store_id = 0
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `tas_special_to_date` ON tas_special_to_date.entity_id = e.entity_id AND tas_special_to_date.attribute_id = 80 AND tas_special_to_date.store_id = cs.store_id
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_super_link` AS `l` ON l.product_id = e.entity_id
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `le` ON le.entity_id = l.parent_id WHERE (IF(IFNULL(tas_status.value_id, -1) > 0, tas_status.value, tad_status.value)=1)) AS `sub` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `price` = VALUES(`price`), `tier_price` = VALUES(`tier_price`)
Error log record number: [Téléphone visible pour les membres Pro]


Budget indicatif : Moins de 500 €

Publication : 07 mai 2021 à 13h30

Profils recherchés : Développeur Prestashop freelance

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Projet réalisé par Louis-Joseph R.

Louis-Joseph R.
Montlignon, 95680

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